Thursday, April 14, 2016

War of the Worlds - Test Sequence

Here's storyboards and artwork for a test sequence.

The Lost Book - Development

Here's some drawing for a ancient story in ancient times.

Barthood Couch Gag

Here's a tribute to the "rotoscope" technique used in "Scanner Darkly".  I directed, animated, drew and painted the backgrounds, and actually inked and painted this entirely thing all by myself.  This  shows the progress from pencil test to final.

The Simpsons - "Barthood"

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

EA Tapped Out

Part of my job the last few years is designing the "Splashscreens" for the video game, as well as Directing any special animation.  Here's a sample.

Marge Ice Bucket Challenge

Although a year late, it's for a good cause!

Emmy Nomination - Musicville

The Simpsons short I Directed, Storyboarded and Animated was nominated for an Emmy.  Here is a "Making of" video, showing storyboards to completion.

Fox Singapore Channel 5 Ad

Here's a commercial I Directed, Storyboard, and Animated, and drew the background and did the color for. Oh Edited too.

The Forbidden Empire

Here's artwork and storyboards for the prelude to this cliffhanger adventure.

The SImpsons DVD 17 Menus

Here are Menus from DVD 17 that I Directed and Animated

Last Week Tonight

Here's a promo for the John Oliver show.

David Letterman Finale

Here's a special tribute I direct for David Letterman's final episode.