Saturday, May 15, 2010

Voyage to the Moon - Coming Soon

Were the Apollo Astronauts the first to the land on the Moon in 1969, or was there a cover-up to hide a darker and terrible truth. Film footage and Photographs thought lost for over a hundred years now reveals proof that the original "Trip to the Moon" took place in 1902.

A new feature film by Eric Koenig. Coming in 2011.

Voyage to the Moon - Coming Soon

The Lurking Fear

Inspired by the horror stories of H.P. Lovecraft, director/writer/animator Eric Koenig (Disney, Dreamworks, The Simpsons) mixes the humor of Buster Keaton, the adventure of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the terror of H.P. Lovecraft.


Astonishing Tales

The following development work was created to pitch the show, "Astonishing Tales". In the spirit of "Twilight Zone", each episode would tell a story based on classic Sci-Fi and Horror stories from the 1940's and 50's. The artists are LOU ROMANO, TED BLACKMAN and JOE MOSHIER.

Astonishing Tales - Lover When You're Near Me

Based on the story by Richard Matheson. Even the most cynical of Earthmen can not resist the luring embrace of Lover.

Astonishing Tales - R is for Rockets

Based on the acclaimed story by Ray Bradbury. How far would a father go to make his children smile. How about a trip to the stars?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Astonishing Tales - A Gun For Monsters

Adventure Travel in the Future. Rocket to a distant planet to hunt some of the universe's most unusual and dangerous prey. Only the brave and wealthy need apply. Make sure to read the fine print. The company is not responsible for death or injury.